Saturday, June 7, 2014


There's a lot of news to share. We've been too busy to keep caught up, much less blog about it. Chad has done a ton of work around's hard to believe how much he's accomplished.

For now, today's big news is the beehive we found inhabiting a couple holes on our northern wall, underneath the neon "north star". 

What's fun about this is, we've been talking for a year how we would like to keep honey bees. And there we have it, our very own hive we get to extract from our very own wall! We love when the universe works like that. I'm excited to photograph whatever the hive looks like once we open up the wall. 

Now we get to acquire beekeeping outfits

I think it's fair to say we are concurrently excited, grateful, appreciative, scared, daunted, overwhelmed and optimistic about this whole North Star Hall thing. We see the possibilities and know we have tons of work to do. Sometimes it seems like everything we do involves some element of epic project. We have to figure out how to solve a myriad of problems daily. It's not always "fun". At the same time, miracles also occur for us daily. This place has a special energy. Our intentions include maximizing, sharing and enjoying the specialness whenever possible. Please stay tuned and thank you all for your support! We couldn't pull this off without you! 

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