Monday, June 30, 2014


We recently had the pleasure of a visit with Terra Holcomb, our swiftly up and coming artist friend from Seattle. We love when Terra visits because she's easy going, she rolls with whatever is happening. Terra always helps us get even more excited about the opportunities for fulfilled living in Eastern Washington. She gets the vision! Many of our west coast friends question what the heck we are trying to do out here in the boonies?! Terra understands. She appreciates the landscape and the special underlying energy out here in Eastern Washington.

It's fun to create with Terra (last year we all got covered in mud and sand) and definitely to see the results of her personal work. I find her work powerful and intimate. Terra keeps pushing her boundaries, expanding her limits and exploring her edges. It takes a lot of courage and vision to stick to one's creative path. Terra's commitment and heart clearly ring true.

The skulls were a gift to us for the new hall. Terra put them to work. Here is a study image, a piece of her process, from Terra's work-in-progress in Friday Bay last week. I find a subtle, sacred light in her image.

We welcome artists, collaborations, workshops. We intend this be a safe place for people to explore their creativity. 

Thank you Terra! 

Happy Pride Seattle!

It's a lovely and powerful thing when we can simply honor, even celebrate, each other's spirit.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Dead on Impact

These waspy things are gigantic and scary looking. They look like they would make your neck swell up nigh onto death. Fortunately for us, bummer for them, Tough & Tender kills them dead on the second squirt. Bam. Take that evil bug from hell! 

Where the Green Citronella Grows

Sadly, Bowie did not make it. Losing her was a difficult transition for us both. Bowie taught us a lot. Among other things, how to love more sweetly, with less attachment.

We would have preferred to learn our lessons with a living, purring Bowie still around for us to hug and tend.

Thank you, Bowie.


This morning I finally got around to doing my first iPhone led yoga session in our classroom in front of the huge, old-school chalkboard. First, I scratched this message, borrowed from our only fridge magnet, author unknown.
Given our current circumstances I find the above quote especially meaningful. Let go and be present seems to be the message. This IS it, right now. Be. Chad and I have at least a million things that could use our attention at any given moment. We've a lot of moving parts to consider: work, businesses, remodeling, clean up, gardening, 5 animals we live with and the occasional rescue animal, belongings scattered between 4 different properties in 2 different states, aging parent concerns. It's a lot and the work can be taxing. Heck, at points the whole thing has been a total drag. 

"Life Does Not Have To Be Perfect to Be Wonderful" How perfect is that?! Especially in this historic old building, especially doing yoga in a beautiful sunlit room with huge windows and the odd bit of bat poop or cobweb yet to be cleaned off the walls. There's an old tree fallen down in the garden behind the classroom, crushing the fence. The hummingbirds love the feeders we've placed in it's branches. I'm stiff as a board and my feet hurt as I move into downward dog. 

This hall teaches us many lessons. 

In related news, Chad got the ancient wood furnace in the basement running today. Now when we stand over the large, iron grate in the classroom warm air rises up to envelop us. This gives us much more confidence regarding our winter experience! Further, we think it's going to be amazing heat to do even more yoga in. 

Thank you.

Monday, June 23, 2014

New Stage

When we get this room all cleaned up I'll photograph it again using my regular camera. The iPhone is not doing this justice. Yesterday, Chad decided to take down the wall that someone had put up to turn the stage into a serviceable room. As an extra room for a large family, it made sense. But it was like someone cut the head off of the North Star Hall. I can't believe how quickly and efficiently Chad did the demo. Wow! 

This morning we work up to a room that felt like it was breathing with light and air...what a difference! I don't know if it was literally warmer, it definitely felt much warmer. So much more energy and aliveness! We think when it's done the theater room is going to be a gasper. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Thanks Nina!

Nina Bjornstal is the Seattle-based realtor who helped us purchase the North Star Hall and supplied us with stellar service in the process. Working long-distance she answered all our questions, getting paperwork straightened out that was quite literally spread from Davenport, WA to India. She also managed to get all sorts of only vaguely helpful paper shufflers to work cohesively as a team and get this place closed on time. I appreciate Nina's sensitivity to our family's particular dynamics and needs. Nina went way above and beyond the call of duty. Frankly, this was a small deal for her and even so, we definitely enjoyed million dollar level service.

Recently, Nina graciously sent us a Home Depot gift card as a housewarming. Look at all the nifty stuff we got!  Right now I'm especially loving that hose! We have constant need to be dragging hoses everywhere and there's nothing worse than constantly kinking hoses. This hose is a kink-free blessing and makes our gardening much easier. The day I went shopping for these things Chad told me to go to Macy's and "get something nice for myself". Instead I went to Home Depot and got a hose. The latches are on the doors which makes it way more enjoyable to come and go. That packet of towels has turned out to be a little Bowie miracle...she has us rotating towels several times a day.

Thank you Nina! I'm proud to count you as a long-time friend. We are happy you are now an important friend to our quirky new family. Thank you for the gift card! Thank you for your professional and comprehensive service ushering us into our lovely new home. We could not have done it without you!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Animals. Because We Don't Have Enough To Do

Apparently, Chad and I aren't quite happy unless we are up to our gills in projects. This is one reason I find it challenging to post on a regular basis, especially now that Chad is working full-time at the Seven Bays Marina.

Everywhere we go, every step we take includes an entourage of dogs and cats at our heels.

Mr. Moneys got neutered last week. He's a much more calm and dedicated doggie now...though I still feel a little guilty, I must admit I enjoy his constant companionship and lack of competitiveness and aggression. He seems happier, we'll run with that. 

Snickers (pictured immediately above) is the consummate hunter. He came in the other day and gave me that "Lassie...what is it?!" vibe. He brought me outside so I could celebrate his most recent kill with him...a giant mole or gopher or something. Earlier in the day I noticed he was rooted to one spot and thought he might be sick...? something seemed a little off. Turns out he was doggedly pursuing his prey. After giving him lots of puppy high fives and butt pats I brought him inside, waited a few minutes went back out and buried the mole/gopher/thing in the garden. 

Chester and Riley are happy in their respective baskets. Now that Chester has his own basket, he's not quite comfortable unless he's in it. Riley's basket simply will not do. So now we have to juggle cats to make everyone happy. Strangely, the cats are not roaming around the grounds much unless we happen to be outside with them. So far, our fears about them getting lost or consumed by the wildlife around the hall have turned out to be a non-issue. Thankfully. Pix to follow.

Yesterday, I was looking out the window while on the phone with a business associate of mine and a huge Bald Eagle launched itself from the field directly across the street from us. It gave me beautiful and epic. I hope he stays away from our livestock. 


The most recent addition to our pack are two kittens that were living in the crawl space underneath our hall. Chad rescued first one, and then the other a couple days later. We don't know where the mom went. The tabby is a healthy and vibrant young kitty. Buddy LOVES the kitties, guarding over them while relentlessly kissing them. The little black one, "Bowie" is teardrop of a kitten. She's tailless, her legs are gimpy and she's cute as a button. We'd like to keep her. Only problem is that her rear-end is not developed normally, and it appears she may have trouble going number 2. We talked to the vet and she may be viable...though unlikely. Most of these kittens don't make it. Please pray for Bowie. We are feeding and tending to her as if she'll be okay. 


Now we are nursing two little babies every day on top of everything else. How do these things happen?! Are we in tune with our lives and dreams, or simply nuts for taking so much on? Or something else? Regardless, it's hard to beat having two well-fed, content kittens falling in a huddled sleep on your chest. 

We are working hard. We have lots of plates spinning. The random eagle-flying, kittens-cuddling, or excited-dog moments make make all the trouble worth it. We like knowing our animal friends are happy. 

Friday, June 13, 2014


This mat newly beckons welcome at the front door of our classroom. I don't exactly remember when my grandmother gave it to me, perhaps I was gifted it after she died. At any rate, it's been my welcome mat at every place I've lived since it first came into my hands. Apparently the marbles were stomped into place by my Uncle Bobby when he was 8 or 9 years old. I think it's missing some marbles. I remember exactly how this looked, along with the ambient sounds and quiet sounds at the back door to my grandparent's place outside of Goldendale, Washington.

It's even more special knowing this welcome mat graces the entry to our home in this historic building that used to be a Grange Hall for the local farmers and residents. I like to believe Grandma and Grandpa would be extra proud knowing Chad and I were inspired to restore and breathe new life into this beautiful place. Inez and Howard Bratton were Grange members for many years.

I've been thinking about my Grandmother quite a bit lately. Like last night when the full moon shone brightly in the clear country air. Or when we work in the garden, I can see Grandma in her flowered dress, walking behind her old, single-wheeled garden hoe. I've often dreamt of a quiet rural life with my happy family. It seems as though Chad and I have a real chance at creating a viable, productive and prosperous life in a special place. I'm glad for many of the sensibilities I learned being a part of the life my grandparents built together. 

I think I'll go listen to the The Entertainer, a popular piece for our family to play on Grandma's piano.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bathroom by MelaMagic

Thank goodness for products like MelaMagic. There's a ton of old, disgusting dust around here, alongside several bushels of rat poop. I feel a lot more confident cleaning with products like MelaMagic and Sol-U-Mel because they work immediately, keep me safe from microscopic critters, smell good and freshen the place up. We'd have to gas ourselves to near-to-death if we were using bleach, 409, or any of the regular brand products. 

This bathroom smells and feels tons better. Next stop, the grubby shower, and the currently brown stained bathroom next to the backdoor. ugh. 

Lots of paint will be applied to all of this. 


There's a lot of news to share. We've been too busy to keep caught up, much less blog about it. Chad has done a ton of work around's hard to believe how much he's accomplished.

For now, today's big news is the beehive we found inhabiting a couple holes on our northern wall, underneath the neon "north star". 

What's fun about this is, we've been talking for a year how we would like to keep honey bees. And there we have it, our very own hive we get to extract from our very own wall! We love when the universe works like that. I'm excited to photograph whatever the hive looks like once we open up the wall. 

Now we get to acquire beekeeping outfits

I think it's fair to say we are concurrently excited, grateful, appreciative, scared, daunted, overwhelmed and optimistic about this whole North Star Hall thing. We see the possibilities and know we have tons of work to do. Sometimes it seems like everything we do involves some element of epic project. We have to figure out how to solve a myriad of problems daily. It's not always "fun". At the same time, miracles also occur for us daily. This place has a special energy. Our intentions include maximizing, sharing and enjoying the specialness whenever possible. Please stay tuned and thank you all for your support! We couldn't pull this off without you! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Darren and Lisa...

...stopped by with a garden/housewarming gift of tomatoes and basil! Thanks guys! We loved hanging out with you and loved planting these in the garden. Yum! Some warm evening later this summer we'd enjoy having you over for some fresh-from-the-garden caprese

Snake in the Tree

Who knew these things climb trees? He/she was there most of the afternoon, probably so he could catch bees gathering pollen from the blooming locust trees. Later in the day I happened to catch the tail end of him disappear into the tall grass below. 

Why I Don't Love Deer

This was about to grow into a beautiful sunflower, right along with it's neighbors. All of which were topped by the local mule deer population. Darn it. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Field of Iris

There are a ton of flowers around the Northstar left over from long-gone years of gardening. My iPhone wasn't doing this field of iris justice. However, if you look close you'll see there are pink wild rose interspersed with the purple iris. Beautiful. You'll have to see it in person to really appreciate what we're seeing. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Thanks to Kathy Kiefer and the Moses Lake Art Center, I get to enjoy the special feeling that comes with selling a photograph! Kathy curated a show at the art center showcasing artists and the creative spirit in and around Soap Lake, Washington and invited me to participate. Opening night blew me away with all the hard work Kathy and her team invested in the show. It was a huge event and well attended. Also in attendance was Bonnie Guitar, who at 91 still drew quite a crowd and sounded great! We extended an invitation to her to play at the hall, which she accepted. Cross your fingers! We'd love to host Bonnie! Thank you Kathy!

Lawn Maintenance

Freshly mowed, thanks to Chad's newly repaired, awesome self-propelled lawn mower.