Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sand Flat School

So much going on! so much we could blog about!

We ordered a couple prints from the Lincoln County Museum (please like them on Facebook). This is an iPhone snap of a long horizontal print at the museum dated 1920. 


We *love* this stuff! 

We are still in the process of nailing down the specifics, but the paperwork says this building was erected in 1900. Ostensibly for the school...? 

I love knowing that this fellow shared our space a century ago. Later he became a charter member of the North Star Grange! 

"Services were held in CA last week for Herbert R. Lang, who died in Cambria Dec 24. Born in Keller in 1907, Lang later attended Sand Flat and Davenport schools when his parents, Frank and Caroline Lang, farmed north of Davenport. A charter member of North Star Grange, he later owned and operated the Gerome ferry, store and post office and then the Gifford ferry, which he built. Survivors include three daughters, 5 grandchildren and two sisters, Margaretta Adams, Davenport, and Frances Duckey, Mercer Island." (Dav. Times: 1-03-1974)

More info and details to come, consider this a teaser. The friendly folks at the museum are looking for more tidbits, old ads and what not generated from this building. It's very exciting! 

If YOU know anything about Sand Flat School or the North Star Grange, or anything else about this building, please contact us! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear the Sand Flat school building is alive and well, and in good hands! In the 1920s my Grandpa was living on a ranch near the community of Egypt north of Davenport, and would walk to that school. The school left an impression on him so that he always remembered it. I had always assumed that it had crumbled into history. I am happy to see that it did not. Enjoy!
