Thursday, May 29, 2014

Propane Stove

...and two new mirrors we picked up at the Eqypt church garage sale down the road from us on Highway 25. Special thanks to a delightful woman named Linda who drove them to the hall for us in her big truck.


  1. You did it - you bought the grange! How do I follow your blog - there's not a "follow" button to click on - guess I'll just have to check back from time to time. Got a new computer finally - will upload photos from the March trip to FB and tag CM so you can see them. Looking forward to watching the grange unfold. xoxoxo

    1. we did! Thank you for your help with all that! I tried to add a follow button...I need to see an example of how to do that. hmmm...

      I'm excited to see your photos! That was a fun visit! It's much warmer and prolific around here now...
