Thursday, June 26, 2014


This morning I finally got around to doing my first iPhone led yoga session in our classroom in front of the huge, old-school chalkboard. First, I scratched this message, borrowed from our only fridge magnet, author unknown.
Given our current circumstances I find the above quote especially meaningful. Let go and be present seems to be the message. This IS it, right now. Be. Chad and I have at least a million things that could use our attention at any given moment. We've a lot of moving parts to consider: work, businesses, remodeling, clean up, gardening, 5 animals we live with and the occasional rescue animal, belongings scattered between 4 different properties in 2 different states, aging parent concerns. It's a lot and the work can be taxing. Heck, at points the whole thing has been a total drag. 

"Life Does Not Have To Be Perfect to Be Wonderful" How perfect is that?! Especially in this historic old building, especially doing yoga in a beautiful sunlit room with huge windows and the odd bit of bat poop or cobweb yet to be cleaned off the walls. There's an old tree fallen down in the garden behind the classroom, crushing the fence. The hummingbirds love the feeders we've placed in it's branches. I'm stiff as a board and my feet hurt as I move into downward dog. 

This hall teaches us many lessons. 

In related news, Chad got the ancient wood furnace in the basement running today. Now when we stand over the large, iron grate in the classroom warm air rises up to envelop us. This gives us much more confidence regarding our winter experience! Further, we think it's going to be amazing heat to do even more yoga in. 

Thank you.

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